SPC Stewardshhip 2025
Every year, a small group of people gathers to discuss stewardship, the care taking and renewal of our church community. Together, we take time to think about our people, our needs, hopes and dreams, our tools, resources and a myriad of grace points, our place in the world, and the critical part played by each and every one of you. Who and what is SPC? How do we help make the world a better place? How do we nurture each other and this space—rather unique among Christian churches in that we welcome people of all faiths and no faith at all? A place where, truly, all are welcome. We all know too many churches are more practiced at judging others and speaking words of hatred than welcoming others and speaking words of compassion.
We all know that community is becoming increasingly rare, and that loneliness is our number one health problem.
And so we take time in the early fall to consider how we might support and nurture SPC in the coming calendar year. It is a season that illuminates the grace of giving—of love, time, creativity and treasure.
Our Sunday services, our mission work, our care for the community, maintaining our staff and beautiful church—your contributions make all this possible. Now, more than ever, we call out for your support at all levels.
Ever increasing expenses and outstanding infrastructure needs beckon us all to help boost our next budget. We hope you will consider making a pledge—a promise of specific financial support in the coming year that will enable us to create a budget for 2025.
May this season of stewardship be a time of renewal and an opportunity to give generously to deepen and broaden the work we do. Longtime member or new visitor, we ask that you prayerfully consider sharing your love for SPC through a pledge of financial help. Pledges of all sizes are needed and most welcome! They are tax-deductible and the amounts are kept strictly confidential.
We are extremely grateful to our entire SPC community and are very excited to continue our wonderful spiritual adventure with you in the next year.
In peace, gratitude and love,
The Stewardship Committee
What Is A Stewardship Pledge?
A pledge is a prayerfully considered estimate of how much you think you will donate to SPC in the coming year. This “pledge” is a non-binding promise to help support the church in 2025.
We appreciate all donations and gifts in the offering plate, but Stewardship pledges enable the Session to create a budget and plan for salaries, maintenance, events and a myriad of other church expenses. People usually pay their pledges throughout the year via check, Givelify, or in an offering envelope (in the pew).
Occasionally they pay their full pledge up-front. We hope to receive the entire amount pledged by December 2025. SPC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and donations are deductible as allowed by law.
Thank you for your thoughtful generosity!
Here's how to support SPC with your pledge:
To Make A Pledge Online
You can email your name and pledge amount to: spcstewardship2025@gmail.com
You can mail a pledge to:
Sausalito Presbyterian Church
PO Box 236
Sausalito, CA 94966